Saturday, November 6, 2010


بِسْمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِيم

Assalamualaikum n elo...

for ur information~i'm home~~^^
i'm home for semester break...but it's only for a

since it's only a week of semester my house has internet again (yea~~)...i think i'll try to update about my holiday...i'll try but this is not a promise~^^

just started holiday...and i already received a phone call about program...
no~it's since yesterday...a call about treasury business...arghh~i hate things about about handling money~so many things to be thought!!!
but...this is life the hostel...if u wanna stay again for next year, u hv to be active...
and thank god, i love doing extra-curricular activities~^^

it's already one day~hahahaa
and what i'd done today~?!!
just stayed in the house, in my room reading my mangas
hehehee~i really miss them so much~
will continue to read more of them tomorrow~or what about spending all day playing games~0r shopping with mama~
yea~i love my mama...

wanna type more for this post but i already felt sleepy~
i'm happy that i'm back home...
try to relax a bit...and try to study
the most important thing --> i can meet my family and having fun, spending time together with them...
[babah, mama, Didi, Nana, and Azlan...i'm happy that i'm home~]

wanna logout now...
time to sleep~oyasumi nasai minna~^^

XOXO - i'm regretting myself for trying to read something that not my preference at all...may i sleep in nightmares~

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.: cherish your every moment in happy :.