Monday, September 20, 2010

self-portrait ~

بِسْمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِيم

Assalamualaikum n elo...

another "just for fun" and "random" post in this blog....
[better put labels for posts after this....but i'm too lazy for that~]

this picture was taken last week, during Hari Raya...with my camera
me, Didi, and Dila...Nana was busy with something at that just 3 of us, 'self-portrait'ing~
took this pic to please Didi actually, she's not in the good mood during make sure that she's not crying and stayed long face, just have fun taking pictures with her...

next~during shopping for Hari Raya...
this time with my hp...
again...Nana not in here because she's in the changing room, trying some clothes~^^
so, while waiting for her...we played around in the store...

last one for this post....
haish~got nothing else to do while waiting for the time to go to study group....
please don't mind me OK....i'm always like this....i love the camera and the camera love me too~>///<
[poyo sungguh~ :p]
the next one...same pics but with a little bit of editting~^^ tell you the truth, we didn't take any picture this year raya...
i don't have a good reason for that...just dunno why....
heh...may be next time...

(wishing this again...hoping that you have a pleasant Aidilfitri)

XOXO - oyasumi nasai....

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.: cherish your every moment in happy :.