Sunday, August 1, 2010


بِسْمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِيم

Assalamualaikum n elo...

i'm trying to make myself happy...trying to reduce my sad feeling (b'coz of the VIVA on Friday)...trying to...get out from my 'shell'~ :P

to tell you the's already a month since the last time i stepped out from HUKM area...
the last time was during B2ST showcase in KL Live...heheee~
since that time, i never step-out from this 'territory' just around the hospital & hostel...
quite weird right, how i can survive duirng these days....
stress? a little bit...not too much coz at least i'm moving around - eat at cafe & watch TV there, go to wad, trying to finish my tasks (especially conducting deliveries~ :O), do this & that....
study just part of my life...but actually, i'm having fun with my life...i still can relax, surfing the net, & sleep...

to my juniors...dun be too scare about clinical years ok...if u manage to use your time wisely, you will taste the sweetness & the joy in your life, in clinical years...
pass or fail just a test for us...if you know that you already done your best, just pray hard to ALLAH...
insya-ALLAH you will feel calm a bit~ v(^^)v

back to the topic~
yup...finally...i went out yesterday~just to cheer myself....
already felt calm a bit...eventhough i dunno what will happen to me next~ :d
went out with Hanim & Huda...
too bad Nadu has short-case examination tomorrow...if she's free,she gonna joined us too~^^

watch movie - SALT
hehee~as expected from Jolie, the action and story in this movie - thumbs up~!!!
wahahaa~with guns & weapons...with nuclear weapon...
Russian (not the nation but one group's ideology) is the bad people in this movie, with using US's nuclear weapon to attack Iraq & Makkah (OMG ~@-@~)...Hanim who sat beside me kept on "Hurry up~hurry~disarmed that thing~!!!" and the end - SAFE~
pity to Salt actually, lost her beloved husband...being shot right in front of her eyes...wuhuuu~
anyway...great story line...^^

went shopping a bit...dun dare to waste much money...
just buy what i really need~
Hanim with her personal things & Huda went to optic shop to make herself a specs
as for me...i really want to eat ice-cream~^^
so..Baskin Robbins~choco mint + choco overload~yummy yum!!!

.: "we scream for ice-cream~" :.

then...dinner at Kenny Roger's...

.: my dinner :.

waiting the rain to stop surely a boring thing to do...
just ate & waiting...

.: rain~rain~ :.

back at hostel at 9 p.m....
me finishing my ice-cream (raining + ice-cream = priceless :L)
then doing some laundry...already not doing any for 2 imagine how many clothes to be wash last night...
finished with that...played game then when to bed until this afternoon~hohoo~to lazy to get up from my bed actually~ :k

as for today...just came back from ward...
wanna to relax a little bit more...prepare myself for tonight's meeting....

ok...that's all~ :angel

XOXO - currently: Sakura Sake by ARASHI

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.: cherish your every moment in happy :.