Tuesday, September 15, 2009

black or white?

Assalamualaikum n elo...

a week has passed since my last post in this blog...
yup..there's a lot of thing happened around me lately...a controversial issues that happened lately really bothering me..

black or white?choose either one...people always said that the white symbolized purity + all about good things while black...mystery + bad + something dark....
the point in this post here....as human...we hv to think rationally...know how to judge what's wrong & which one is right...and don't take the action too soon without knowing anything...without thinking the circumstances...
"Open Minded" & "Rational"...can anyone just do that?

i'm sure that u already read about some news that happened between Malaysia & Indonesia...a really hot issue here...seems that this will never end...
i'm sure in Malaysia only reported about how worried the government now toward the safety of Malaysians here,especially students...
yup..we students suffered the most in this conflict...did u know that in Indonesia there are about 5000-6000 students?in Bandung only,there's almost 800 students or more i think but the facts that Bandung has a lot of Malaysian students here...

is not the issues that i want to talk here...dun want to complicate the things that already been complicated by the situation here...
just wondering...why?
why they did the things?
why they provoked us with that kind of actions?
why they hv to put their anger on us,the students?
do they really know the truth or just pretend dun know about it?or just dun wanna care about it...just if there are issues...this kind of thing happen...

there's no bad things happen to me since the issues being heated up here...no boycott,no sarcastic remarks...no violance...but these things happen to students in Jakarta & Yongyakarta...
living in worries since "Sweeping Malaysia" launched in Jakarta, being threw by rock + rotten eggs...
why these hv to happen?there are just students...came here want to learn from the universities here...
Alhamdulillah...Bandung is not as radical as what's happen in Jakarta...no "sweeping"...no "buluh runcing"...no "taking Malaysian My Card"...most people here still treating Malaysians well enough here...but we still hv to be extra careful
nothing bad happen to me & my friends....but happened to the junior...being boycotted by angkot drivers in the university,being threw with rock by angkot driver too...
poor them..they just arrive here 1 month ago but things like this happened to them...hope that they will doing just fine + strong enough to face this situation...

last Monday..there's demonstration at the round about in the campus...3 to 4 individual..dun wear any clothes & painted their body...writing something awful about Malaysia....
that action made the juniors scared...uneasy...

don't worry juniors..we seniors always here to help all of you...dun hesitate to ask anything or if u hv any worry....

hope that this will resolve soon...
it's almost Hari Raya Aidilfitri...we want to celebrate it peacefully + happily without any worry....

dun wanna talk about what issues happened between Malaysia-Indonesia....
a sensitive issues to be discuss actually...
just hope that the people here is more sensible....i'm sure that they are sensible enough...i admire their patriotism + nationalism....but please...dun be too fanatic + radical...dun put the emo part towards us...
that's all i ask for..to live peacefully until i finished studying here....not only that..i wish for peace forever~

i think that's all...
please dun be too boring on this topic....i know that i didn't touch anything about the issues but u know it well right...
till the post...take care + live happily minna-san~

XOXO - black or white?both are my fav color....love the softness of white color...admire the mystery of the black one....


Alia Liverpool said...

wow noi.ade roomate kwn aku pi bandung.tatau la dia same uni ngan ko ke tak.sian2.YNWA!

AdlineLime^-^Tea said...

key...tnye la u mne?mne tau noi terjumpe die kalu kt unpad...
first year kn?ntah2 dh jumpe coz noi ajk orentasi student malaysia kt cni...

wei...jgn lupe kn org x blk rye ni...

Alia Liverpool said...

noi noi.
saya sentiasa igt kamu.
jangan risau.hoho

.: cherish your every moment in life...be happy :.