Friday, March 19, 2010

next battle~CHARGE~~!!!

Assalamualaikum n elo...

that critical moment finally come to the end...
the part of the examination that i so worried about...
in the end...i finally can call mama with more tears & frustrating crying voice, talking to her after SOCA...already done that in the last 4 semesters...

how was it?
Alhamdulillah~i'm very satisfied with the satisfied with it...
not asking more than that coz i know my knowledge, my capability, my limit...

ok...this what happened yesterday...
after 1st 5 people being called out to prepare for the case, the remaining 34 students tried to find a way to know what the case is...
then..they found it~yeay~
case - BENIGN PROSTATE HYPERTROPHY just read the case but still worried that they will change the case...
they used the same method to 'obtain' the question (what kind of method?shhh~^^)'s the same for 2nd &'s the same...

i don't remember i'm in which turned...6th walked our from the quarantine room....then knowing that they already changed the case since the turn before me...what...?
that's what i call ****...
not the case that we discuss in the tutorial tutorial session, we got the case ACUTE DIARRHEA + this SOCA - Shigella sp.
how i'm going to explain this microorganism~?!!!
they usually asked about the cases that we already discuss in the tutorial, if there's some changes, not too much,just from the signs & symptoms but still the same anatomy & physiology disturbed, same etiology, and disease...
but this case...same disease but differ in etiology, organ & physio disturbed...different drug therapy....huhuhu...

i was like..."huhuhuh" & "aaahhh~!!!what ever~!!!" in the preparation room...
then...after 30 minutes (so fast~T^T)...we being called out from the room & entered the presentation room...
blah...blah...blah...20 minutes passed~
"you can wait outside..." i stepped out the room...
what will happened?what will happed?what will happened?!!!my performance?my presentation?my marks?

then...the doctor called me to come in...i sat down &....
"based on your presentation just now...we decided to give you..." please~pretty please~let me passed this one~i don't want a fail SOCA again~
"we decided to give A" ....are?!did i heard wrongly?!(dun wanna tell u the marked~>///<) "ok...what did i missed & need to be improved?" what am i asking?'s OK,right?
"you missed this...that...then this one...than that too..." OK~OK~you two are too generous doctors~!!!thank you so much for the mark~
ALHAMDULILLAH~~thank you Allah~

that's how my SOCA day ended...with smile~with blushing face while calling my mom...
i really wanna talked to babah...really wanna asked how's babah been doing...but i can't...i'm too afraid that i will cry if i heard his voice...afraid that he found out that i'm already know about his condition....
i dunno why...i felt that way...dunno why knowing about his condition making me so guilty...making me so...heart-breaking...
don't have the gut to ask mama like always, "babah sihat mama?"
mama can sense what's wrong with only hearing my voice eventhough i talked the end...i just let it that way...
may be i will called them tomorrow...asked them how they been doing in this 2 days...try to ask "babah sihat mama?" like always...

the final battle...
will start studying + memorizing all the skills tomorrow....already relax my mind for more than 24hours...time to get serious again~

to friends...let's fight till the end~!!!

XOXO - so many food but still i'm loosing weight (Alhamdulillah~^^)...hope that my weight not increase to drastically next >>'''

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.: cherish your every moment in happy :.