Saturday, October 10, 2009

miserable movie....

Assalamualaikum n elo...

that's the only word that i can say about the movie i watched this noon...
the movie causing me to vomit....this is the truth....i'm not kidding anyone here....

we watched the movie...just trying...hopefully the movie is just nice to watch eventhough the story is just so-so...
this movie...a little bit like documentary movie...ever watched 'Quarantine'?the camera is just like that...moving around...give us the view of the person who recording the situation....

this story is about a group of students,doing a movie shooting...not a ghost story but something like motivational story...
they experienced the creepy things during the 1st night of their stay in some of a hostel...dunno la...then the next day more creepy things happened...until their lead actress was possessed by dunno what...

wanna know the movie urself b'coz at this point...i'm not concentrate on the movie...suddenly had a headache + nausea...
i thought that i was the only one who felt this...maybe b'coz of lack of sleep...then i heard that Huda also felt the same...Nad too...
man...we tried to handle that feeling but finally...we gave up...
we went out before the movie finished~cannot stand it anymore...

as for me...i felt so miserable...
with my 'spinning' head + stomach 'grumbling' + nausea...i rushed to the toilet...
guessed what?yup..vomit...
i had experienced motion sickness before....but...'movie-sickness'?this is too much for me....
i hate vomiting...making me all 'dried-up'

to anyone who want to watch this movie...please do watch it....
is not the movie is's not great either...but...the camera driving me sick....

dun wanna watch this kind of movie again in the future....T-T

XOXO - hmmm...still hv the headache....>>


Alia Liverpool said...

wahaha.dlm sme movie,ko pi pilih movie yg wow tajuknya.haha.

AdlineLime^-^Tea said...

hehehe..mne la tau citer nye cm tu...
movie camera-man point of view...
pening wo...tobat x mo tgk citer cm ni lg...pengsan wei~

.: cherish your every moment in happy :.