Friday, May 10, 2013

for you, with love...

بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِيم
Assalamualaikum n elo...

publish post dalam Bahasa Melayu selepas berbulan-bulan menghilang tanpa berita di blog...Facebook + Twitter + Instagram masih aktif ye “ヽ(´▽`)ノ”

post ni khas untuk kawan-kawan dan junior-junior yg masih meneruskan perjuangan sebagai pelajar perubatan...sekadar peringatan untuk terus menjadikan diri lebih baik dari sebelumnya sebab dunia semakin 'kejam'. peluang semakin berkurangan. yang terbaik sahaja mendapat tempat.
bukan nak menakutkan sesiapa...cuma nak mengingatkan agar diri sentiasa bersedia...

rezeki dan kejayaan itu mmg dari ALLAH SWT tapi tanpa usaha, tawakal sahaja tak ada guna gak...

persiapkan diri dengan ilmu -  ilmu perubatan, lain2 ilmu duniawi, dan juga ilmu untuk bekalan akhirat nanti... 

kuatkan semangat, cekalkan hati, stay optimis, dan perbetulkan niat masing-masing ya...
tanya balik diri sendiri - "kenapa saya nak jadi doktor?"...
jadikan apa-apa yang berlaku, baik or buruk sebagai benda yg positif, sebagai semangat untuk terus gerak ke hadapan, bukannya untuk jatuh di mana-mana...ok? ( ̄▽+ ̄*)

hidup mesti diteruskan~ yea!!!

XOXO - sama2 kita doakan yg terbaik 。◕‿◕ 。

pieces of my mind...

بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِيم
Assalamualaikum n elo...

we meet again...
this is a post to show how i feel i feel after the Malaysia 13th General Election...
i remind you, to anyone who read this post - this is not a post to criticize anyone or any party...
this is, AGAIN, only my feeling...

i miss the peace that i once felt before...the feeling of being safe in my own country...
i never felt this way before...feeling worry, what will happen next...

UBAH? BERSIH? what exactly do these people wanna do? what else they want? those phases certainly make me scare to some extend...yeah i am scared enough...
BETTER NATION? can't both of the parties work together to ensure this? or just show the people what these parties capable of in making a better Malaysia, rather than condemning each other...please show with works and achievements rather than with sweet talks only...

i don't really care what others will said. what i believe is most Malaysians choose to give another chance to the current government, another chance for next term of a better Malaysia...
dear Malaysia Government, please be an improved government for this term...let it be another better nation for Malaysians...

i believe to start changing thing we must first change ourselves...
i really hope for peace, no more than that...

Malaysia is still a young country and we are still the young citizens of Malaysia...
may be we are not ready or mature enough to change our government...
reflect ourselves first before pointing to others' mistake...
analyze with our own mind & never make a statement without having solid facts...insya-ALLAH we will find the answer, the beauty of ALLAH plan in our politics, and the way Malaysia's history being shape...

comment or condemn if you want to but don't hate me...
i just another Malaysian who seriously analyzing the situations here...
to post this also need a lot of courage and confidence because i know people have their own opinion...this is my way of thinking, others will have different...
and i know, people will certainly say something when they read this kind of English...

again, this is merely my thought...pieces of my mind (^v^)

XOXO - i love Malaysia
.: cherish your every moment in happy :.